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I have engaged in the classes which offer circuit training and healthful eating tips, all from a professional who has "been there". I have witnessed weight loss, increased endurance and improved self confidence. ~ Kiwanda G.,BA, MSA, BSN, RN


Corporate Wellness Options

For Every Body can bring fitness and nutrition right into your workplace!


An effective Corporate Wellness program is about providing employees with the opportunity to take responsibility for their own health and fitness. Employees who exercise on a regular basis are healthier, happier and more resistant to sickness and the negative effects of stress. They also display elevated levels of alertness and energy, ensuring a more sharply focused approach to the working day.


Our exercise and nutrition programs are customized to meet the health and fitness needs of individual employees, including those with special needs.


Companies who implement a Corporate Wellness program will experience many benefits including:
Reduced health costs
Increased productivity
Reduced absenteeism
Decreased turnover
Improved morale


Employers can empower their staff to take advantage of the benefits that training and proper nutrition provide. After all, your employees are your greatest investment.


Contact us today and see how For Every Body can help improve your employees’ health and save your company money.

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